Friday, 11 May 2007

Waiting Time

It started me thinking today as to what people do when they are 'waiting' - for the elusive delivery man; the bus; their turn at the Post Office Counter; the Doctor's apopintment or, even, The Surveyor!

Reading a book/magazine is always fairly standard, unless you are chewing your fingernails off in the Dentist's waiting room. If you watch a queue of 'waiters' you will always see a wide variety - the foot tapper; the hair twirler; the reader; the frustrated heaving sigher; the dreamer who is either thinking of their beloved or whether to do chips or mash with supper.

Me - well this morning with some time on my hands, as it turned out, whilst waiting for said Surveyor, managed to thoroughly clean the bathroom AND do my Tax Return - I'm not saying that I had a little while to wait, but I think you might get my drift! When he eventually turned up I discovered that the Estate Agent hadn't even confirmed the apointment with him (AND I believe him) so at least he didn't get his head bitten off and was even allowed Earl Grey Tea.

So the saga continues - now waiting on some essential paperwork before meeting with Solicitor ..... and I've been in his waiting room before - take your own book/paper, nothing provided.

1 comment:

Tuscan Traveller said...

- and a couple of volumes of the Encyclopoedia Brittanica. Hang in there G.
Not that you've any choice.